How Often Should You Pet Have a Dental Exam

Oral hygiene and proper dental care are essential for your pet's overall health and well-being. It's about much more than just good looks – dental cleaning and preventive care can prevent serious health issues like infection and organ damage caused by periodontal disease. Periodontal disease develops when plaque (bacteria and food debris) builds up on your pet's teeth. If left untreated, plaque hardens into tartar, leading to tooth decay, loose teeth, gum disease, and infections that can enter the bloodstream.

The Standard Recommendation

At Holden Animal Clinic and Supply Inc. in Holden, MO, we consider all our patients family. We prioritize their well-being and follow the American Veterinary Medical Association's recommendation for yearly dental exams for all pets. However, this is a general guideline. Your veterinarian may recommend more frequent exams depending on several factors, including:

•             Age: Senior pets are more prone to dental problems and may require more frequent cleanings.

•             Health Conditions: Certain health conditions can increase the risk of dental disease, necessitating more frequent monitoring.

•             Prior Dental Issues: Pets with a history of gum disease may need more frequent cleanings to prevent recurrence.

Signs Your Pet Needs a Dental Exam

If you notice any of these symptoms in your pet, it's time to schedule a dental exam:

•             Unusually bad breath

•             Loose, broken, or chipped teeth

•             Swelling around the mouth

•             Bleeding gums

•             Discolored teeth

•             Excessive drooling

•             Loss of appetite

•             Difficulty chewing

•             Face rubbing

•             Sneezing after drinking water

Contact Holden Animal Clinic and Supply Inc.

Are you looking for a veterinarian near you? If you're in the Holden, MO area and need a dental exam for your pet, contact our friendly staff at Holden Animal Clinic and Supply Inc. at (816) 732-4412. We're here to help!